3 Spiritual Categories: Jnanis, Yogis, Siddhas
It is important to understand who are the Best People who guide us at every step toward our own well-being and ultimate Liberation.
3 Spiritual Categories: Various Classes of People
Many categories of human beings exist as per Sanatana Dharma.
However, in everyday life, we do not bother much about the capabilities of a human being and view everyone with an ordinary yardstick. When we try to evaluate people from a materialistic point of view, rarely do we find anyone interesting or even capable.
However, if we become sensitive to inner powers, through conscious living, we find many faults with our initial yardstick and start seeing human beings in a new light.
The range and capabilities of human beings can be vast and expansive, unlike our normal understanding of humans around us.
The diverse spectrum of human consciousness can be overwhelming sometimes.
Sanatana Dharma, helps us categorize different types of human beings. Of the higher types of humans, we find the top-class human beings fall under the categories of Jnanis, Yogis, Siddhas, and Avatars.
3 Spiritual Categories: Jnanis
This classification bases itself on the spiritual capacities of these humans.
For example, people know a Jnani based on his capacity to understand and decode scriptural understanding and elucidation. He can quote, explain, and impress upon others the secrets of Vedic scriptures with consummate ease, leaving a telling effect on the listeners.
By no means, can an ordinary being ape this capability. Such a Jnani gives sound and transformational advice to the listener and can make the scriptures a reality in the life of the ardent follower.
Through scriptural advice, he can easily solve the day-to-day problems of the common folk.
3 Spiritual Categories: Yogis
The Yogi, represents the next category of human beings, from a spiritual standpoint. He possesses with him some fantastic powers.
A Yogi possesses such capabilities as clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, and other extrasensory powers. He can sit in one place without moving for days together or can lie buried in a pit for months together, keeping his body fully functional.
He possesses all the qualities of the Jnani in the first place with these additional capabilities. A Yogi has perfect control of each bodily function from respiration to defecation.
He can control the functioning of every body part with ease.
3 Spiritual Categories: Siddhas
When a Yogi attains spiritual heights of the highest order, he becomes a Siddha.
A Siddha can perform miracles that can be mind-boggling. He can fly like a bird or appear and disappear at will.
A Siddha can be well-versed in all branches of Ayurveda and martial arts. He can also make himself available at distant, diverse locations at the same time. A Siddha can cure any type of ailment and can materialize things from nowhere.
He can remain young without aging and may seem to challenge Mother Nature in every way.
The Avatara
Above the Siddha, lies the domain of an Avatara. An Avatara qualifies as an incarnation of Godhead, the ultimate entity. He possesses qualities of a certain deity or many deities in full.
Yet he may behave like a normal human being displaying characteristics like a mortal. Such an incarnation transcends the limitations of all other categories of humans.
All other categories of humans are the subsets of an Avatara. Only a technician can recognize another technically perfect professional.
3 Spiritual Categories: Specialty of an Avatara
An Avatara prefers not to display openly, any characteristic of a Jnani, Yogi, or a Siddha. Only other well-established Jnani, Yogis, and Siddhas can recognize an Avatara. An Avatara never proclaims his position, to say the least.
An Avatara Purusha can completely control other beings. With their mere presence, they can transform society. When they simply exist amidst society, they bring about a revolution, much beyond what Jnanis, Yogis, and Siddhas can affect.
When a normal man connects with an Avatara in all sincerity and devotion, the Avatara blesses the individual to know everything about the Avatara.
In this way, the Avatara envelopes the life of the devotee and transforms every aspect of the devotee.
Two Types of Avatars
An Avatara Purusha necessarily has many marks of auspiciousness on various parts of his body, by which one may recognize his or her Avatarhood. In many cases, the Avatara does not cast a shadow.
When he walks, he does not leave behind footprints.
The Avatara may exist in a small unknown region of the world (usually in the potent land of Bharat) and yet his presence affects the entire world. He may enter the lives of the people in the most fantastic ways.
Even among Avatars, two categories abound. One category of Avatars maintains their bodies while the other types of Avatars give away their bodies after their mission.
Many Avatars who maintain their body, remain invisible for a certain time and reappear at other times, to guide humanity, especially at the time of human crisis.
Generally, people believe that Avatars of Lord Vishnu give away their bodies and depart after they fulfill their mission.
On the other hand, the Avatars of Lord Shiva, maintain their eternal form and reappear from time to time. The drama of Creation and Dissolution continues eternally, as eternal law.
When evil expands, Avatars appear to dilute the poison of evil, thereby establishing Truth and righteousness. However, this process largely remains cyclic, giving good reason for an Avatara to appear.
3 Spiritual Categories: Graduating from Aquatic to Terrestrial Avatars
The West believes that life formsfirst appeared in the ocean and then graduated to the terrestrial lifeforms. Our Scriptures have established this fact long before the West attained civility. The Matsya Avatar, the first of the Vishnu Avatar, qualifies as an aquatic Avatara.
Then it graduated to the Kurma Avatara which by nature remains amphibious.
Then came Varaha, which remained a largely terrestrial creature but with the capability to drill through water masses and also stay safe in the water.
After taking Animal Avatara forms, the Lord switched to a half-main half-animal form, which Lord Narasimha displayed, the lion-man form. Then the underdeveloped human Avatara of a Brahmana appeared in the form of Vamana.
Then a fully developed form of Parshurama appeared, but one who did not have anger under control.
Next came Sri Rama, the flawless man with all emotions under control.
Sri Rama qualified as the crest jewel among the Kshatriyas. Then came Krishna, the complete God. Although Sri Krishna seemingly appeared as a human, he displayed the potencies of Godhead.
3 Spiritual Categories: Avatara progressed as Values Regressed
Thus from an aquatic pre-human manifestation, the Lord progressed to His original form of perfect Godhead through his many Avatara forms. At every stage, Avatara progresses too.
During the early stages of the Yugas, especially in Satya Yuga, sins remained less and hence Avatars too displayed fewer powers. However, with every progressive stage of evolution, principles, and morality regressed exponentially.
Hence the Avatars are required to manifest more of their powers. So as the ages advanced, standards of morality fell.
Hence Avatars appeared in the later ages impressing their magnanimity with greater force to influence and guide human beings in the direction of Truth.