6 Secrets of Third Eye Chakra: Ajna Chakra
Third Eye Chakra: Highlights
The point at the center of the brows represents the Third-Eye or the Ajna Chakra.
The Ajna Chakra also called the Guru Chakra is the center of Decision making and will. If the Ajna Chakra attains positive energy, it shall make the person extremely independent with clarity in thought and action.
Such a person will have total control over his decision-making potencies. Powerful intuitive powers shall guide the person towards success.
One can use a powerful Ajna Chakra to make things happen and change situations using one’s willpower and positive habits. One will automatically become a reservoir of powerful habits because of awakened Ajna Chakra.
A person with a powerful Ajna Chakra will never have guilt and never repent for his actions. Ajna Chakra also represents correctness and Truth.
A person with strong Ajna Chakra has transcended doubt and weakness in all areas of life. Surety and power become the second nature of individuals with an awakened Ajna Chakra.
Third Eye Chakra: Symptoms of a Weak Ajna Chakra
On the other hand, a person with imbalanced Ajna or Guru Chakra turns out to be indecisive and confused. This man fails to be effective in any of his actions.
Such a man fails to distinguish between correct and incorrect actions. He ever remains muddled and dependent on others for guidance. Naturally, this man becomes fearful of life situations and keeps losing confidence time and again.
Guilt also becomes such a person’s second nature.
People with this problem remain fearful and are unsure of what life has in store for them.
These men stay plagued with doubt and distrust. Yet they depend on others hopelessly so that they can make some decisions for the better.
Many times, such people fall prey to misinformation and cheating. They cannot read other people and go by their elusive experiences.
These people also have a tendency to change their opinions fast without due diligence. Hence it becomes important to activate the Ajna Chakra.
Third Eye Chakra: Weak Ajna Chakra can affect the body
An imbalanced Ajna Chakra also becomes the reason for diseases. Many of the people with weak Ajna Chakra suffer from headaches and migraines.
They also can have blurred vision with strained eyes. The eye pressure for such individuals is naturally high. These people also fall prey to stress-related diseases which include heart diseases.
Usually, all such people suffer from Sinus. They remain affected by the common cold almost throughout the year. An individual with weak Ajna Chakra remains stubborn like a dog’s tail. A person with a blocked Ajna Chakra will face neurological disorders. A disturbed Third-Eye Chakra can also become a reason for schizophrenia.
Many mentally retarded children or people with autistic disorders have a damaged third eye (another name for Ajna Chakra).
Significance of Third Eye Chakra
The pineal gland is associated with the third eye Chakra.
This gland relates to the spiritual domain. When one activates the pineal gland, it connects the individual to a vast reservoir of wisdom.
A “seer” can see things beyond. Things of the future logically reveal themselves. One can activate the third eye through several means. A person can use Meditation as a powerful means to activate the third eye.
Activating the other Chakras namely Anahata, Manipuraka, Svadhishthana, and Manipuraka is essential. Only after that should one attempt to energize the third-eye Chakra.
Watch this video to find out more.
Only when one activates these Chakras to some extent will the activation of the pineal gland grant results.
How to Activate Ajna Chakra
Let us explore some means to activate the third eye. The exercises to activate the third eye, should ideally not be done in isolation. One should also use means to activate the other chakras too.
Sun Gazing
One can activate the third eye chakra, by sun-gazing. By gazing at the sun and making it fall on the third eye, one can activate the pineal gland. The practitioner should do this exercise at dawn, with the rising sun.
One should not gaze at the sun for more than a minute at one go. With continued practice, one shall be able to activate the third eye or Ajna Chakra.
Only then shall the third eye activation become effective.
Food Supplements
Proper diet plays its part in the activation of the third-eye Chakra.
The region between the brows should be detoxified. The third-eye detoxification can be done by consuming some amounts of lemon, watermelon, honey, coconut oil, cilantro on a regular basis.
Application of Oils
One should also use jasmine and sandalwood oil to massage at the third-eye region, in order to activate it.
As one applies these oils, it will help further if one chants “AUM”, as one slowly massages the oil at the brow region.
Meditating or Chanting of Mantras
Through meditation too, one can activate the Ajna or third-eye Chakra. One visualizes a 2 petalled flower, which bears the indigo color. The mantra, one can focus on while meditating on the purple Lotus is “AUM” (ॐ).